Tuesday, March 24, 2009

these are some pictures related to the Tamil Tigers

a newpaper article in the canada news about the protestants of Tamil Tigers


cemetery of the tamil tigers

people who suffered from the attacks

tigers in training
a map territory of the Tamil Tigers

group photo of the Tamil Tigers

crest of the Tamil Tigers

thier leader


  1. hey. this is a really nice post... i think that the pictures were nice but maybe more details can be put as the pictures dont tell much. maybe you can add more details like when was the pic taken or where is the area where the LTTE cemetry is... =)

  2. It is a pity the Tamil Tigers cause all their supporters'lives to be at stake too. Woman and young children.. they just don't deserve this treatment. Being a liberation front, they are definitely not even giving their people freedom of having a normal lives like in Singapore.
